Alushta is an administrative district of Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Ukraine. Alushta is one
of the most ancient populated areas of the Southern Coast of Crimea (known from the VIth century).
But it obtained an official status only 100 years ago in 1902. Alushta today is a center of resort
zone which is more than 80 km long. The town is situated in the vastest valley of the Southern Coast.
Mountains surround Alushta as in amphitheater and step back from the Black-Sea 5-10 km. Population is
40000 in accordance with the last official data. Presented nationalities are Russian, Ukrainian, and Tatar.
Organized by Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna, Russia),
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics RAS (Novosibirsk, Russia) and
Scientific Council of RAS on charged particle accelerators
Site maintained by E. Akhmanova, JINR
Photos by Yu. Yakin, JINR