The Proceedings will be published at JACoW.
Thus the electronic report copies should be prepared in accordance with JACOW rules.
All of them (paper preparing, file naming, file uploading, etc.) are discribed in detail
in MS Word file.
Please note about deadline of paper uploading - Monday, 12 September 2011, and
the paper volume - contributed oral and poster presentations may be up to 4 pages,
invited papers may be up to 6 pages long.
Comments or questions? Ask JACoW's responsible person: Dr. Maksim V. Kuzin
Organized by Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna, Russia),
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics RAS (Novosibirsk, Russia) and
Scientific Council of RAS on charged particle accelerators
Site maintained by E. Akhmanova, JINR
Photos by Yu. Yakin, JINR