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Authors who wish to present the paper on the COOL'11 are requested to register the
abstract by the special link:
First of all you need to logged in to the system using your personal JACoW login and
password. If you are a new JACoW user - press the button "Create a profile/account"
and follow the instructions.
After successful login press the link "Submit a new abstract", enter the abstract title
(title's text should be entered as a "All First Symbols in Every Word as Capitals"),
select the presentation type and main classification, enter the abstract text (please
note to use the text characters only!), footnotes and the funding agency in the
corresponding fields and press the button "Save changes".
After having "submitted" the abstract, a new window allows authors to print, edit, withdraw, and also
to enter co-authors and designate their roles: primary/submitting author (the person who will be contacted
on matters concerning the programme and the conference organization), presenter/speaker (the person who will
present the invited oral/contributed oral/poster), co-author.
If a paper is selected for oral presentation, the role “presenter” automatically becomes “speaker”. The roles
thus assigned are used to generate the sort order for co-authors in the table of contents. The names of
primary/submitting authors appear first in the list of co-authors, followed in alphabetical order by
co-authors with the same affiliation. Co-authors from other affiliations are grouped by affiliation,
in alphabetical order.
It is important to remember to enter all co-authors. Failure to do so means they will be excluded from
the author index in the conference programme booklet and in the proceedings.
Remember in particular that if your work is accepted for presentation, the title, the authors, and the
as you enter them,
will be used in the programme booklet, and later in the table of contents
and author index of the proceedings to be published at the JACoW site.
Please ensure that this data is
correct at all stages.
Comments or questions? Ask JACoW's responsible person:
Dr. Maksim V. Kuzin
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