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Preliminary list of participants

Reporter Country Affilation Type of report Report title
 Akhmanova E. Russia JINR, Dubna    
 Asfandiyarov R. Switzerland University of Geneva, DPNC Inv. MICE, the muon ionization cooling demonstration experiment: results and prospects (1 - MICE step I: first measurement of emittance with particle physics detectors; 2- Progress in the construction of the MICE cooling channel)
 Aulenbacher K. Germany Institut fuer Kernphysik der Johannes Gutenberg-Universitaet zu Mainz    
 Bruhwiler D. USA Tech-X Corporation, Boulder, Colorado Inv. Simulations of the modulator, FEL amplifier and kicker for coherent electron cooling of 40 GeV/n Au+79
 Bryzgunov M. Russia BINP, Novosibirsk Poster Electron collector for 2 MeV electron cooler for COSY
Poster System for measurement of magnetic field line straightness in solenoid of electron cooler for COSY
 Bubley A. Russia BINP, Novosibirsk Poster Electron gun with variable beam profile for COSY cooler
 Dietrich J. Germany FZ Juelich Inv. Status of the 2 MeV Electron Cooler for COSY/HESR
 Dimopoulou C. Germany GSI Inv. Simulations of Stochastic Cooling in the Collector Ring CR
Poster Demonstration of Longitudinal Stacking in the ESR with Barrier Buckets RF and Stochastic Cooling
 Dorofeev G. Russia RRC "Kurchatov Institute" no report  
 Drozdovskiy A. Russia ITEP Poster The Nonlinear Transformation of a Ions Beam in the Plasma Lens
 Eriksson  T. Switzerland CERN Inv. ELENA project at CERN
 Eseev M. Russia Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Arkhangelsk Oral Methods for optimization of the dynamics of the storage of positrons in the Surko trap
 Gladkikh P. Ukraine NSC KIPT, Kharkov Oral Quasi - cooling of electron beam under asymmetric collision at Compton scattering
 Hangst J. Denmark Aarhus University Inv. Trapped Antihydrogen - the ALPHA Experiment at CERN
 Johnson R. USA Muons, Inc. Oral Helical Cooling Channels for Muon Colliders
 Kamerdzhiev V. Germany FZ Juelich    
 Katayama T. Germany GSI Inv. Stochastic Cooling Concept at NICA Collider
Poster Simulation Study of Barrier Bucket Accumulation with Stochastic Cooling at the GSI ESR
 Kobets A. Russia JINR, Dubna Poster LEPTA project: towards positrons
 Kuzin M. Russia BINP, Novosibirsk    
 Mao L. Germany FZ Juelich; IMP Lanzhou poster Closed orbit correction in 2MeV electron cooler section at COSY
poster Investigation of Electron Cooling Effect on Bare Carbon Ions at HIRF-CSRe
poster Simulation of High-Energy Electron Cooling at COSY with BETACOOL Code
 Matyukhina O. Russia JINR, Dubna no report  
 Meshkov I. Russia JINR, Dubna Inv. NICA Project at JINR
 Moehl D. Switzerland CERN no report  
 Noda A. Japan Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University Inv. Recent Situation of Beam Cooling at S-LSR
 Panasyuk V. Russia BINP, Novosibirsk Poster Magnetic system of electron cooler for COSY
 Papash A. Russia JINR, Dubna Oral BETACOOL Simulations of the Long Term Beam Dynamics in an Ultra-Low Energy Storage Rings
 Parkhomchuk V. Russia BINP, Novosibirsk Inv. The advance technology extraction for therapy ions beam from carbon storage ring with electron cooling
 Philippov A. Russia JINR, Dubna Poster Radiative recombination of heavy bare nuclei and ions in electronic cooling system
 Pivin R. Russia JINR, Dubna Poster Superconducting Solenoid for Electron Cooling System
 Pogorelov I. USA Tech-X Corporation, Boulder, Colorado Oral Simulations of an FEL Amplifier for Coherent Electron Cooling
 Prasuhn D. Germany FZ Juelich Inv. Beam Cooling at HESR in the FAIR Project
 Reva V. Russia BINP, Novosibirsk Inv. The first commission results the high voltage magnetized cooler for COSY
 Rudakov A. Russia JINR, Dubna Poster Booster electron cooling system of NICA project
 Seryi A. GB J. Adams Institute Inv. Status and Trends of Accelerator Projects in Great Britain
 Sessler A. USA LBNL Inv. Enhancing trappable antiproton populations through an induction unit followed by frictional cooling
 Shcherbakov A. Ukraine NSC KIPT, Kharkov Poster Beam Dynamics Simulation in the X-ray Compton Source NESTOR
 Shemyakin A. USA Fermilab Inv. Ultimate performance of relativistic electron cooling at Fermilab
 Sidorin A. Russia JINR, Dubna    
 Stassen R. Germany FZ Juelich Poster The stochastic cooling system of HESR
 Steck M. Germany GSI Inv. Current Plans for Beam Cooling at FAIR
 Trubnikov G. Russia JINR, Dubna Inv. Application of cooling methods at NICA project
 Weilbach T. Germany HIM, Mainz Poster Optical Electron Beam Diagnostics for Relativistic Electron Cooling Devices
 Wolf A. Germany MPI Poster RF enhanced Schottky signals from electron cooled coasting beams
Poster Deceleration of carbon ions at the heavy ion storage ring TSR
Inv. Electrostatic storage rings and eV-energy electron cooling, the CSR
 Wu J.W. China IMP CAS, Lanzhou Poster Simulation Study of Stochastic Cooling at CSRe IMP
Oral Stochastic Cooling Project at Experimental Storage Ring, CSRe at IMP
 Yakovenko S. Russia JINR, Dubna Poster Cooler for collider NICA
 Yang X.D. China IMP CAS, Lanzhou Inv. Electron cooling performance at IMP facility
 Zenkevich P. Russia ITEP, Moscow    
 Zhang Y.Y. China IMP CAS, Lanzhou Poster An improved forward travelling wave structure design for stochastic cooling at Experimental Cooler Storage Ring (CSRe)
 Zhang Y. USA JLab Inv. Electron-Ion Collider as a Gluon Microscope
Inv. High Energy Electron Cooling for an Electron - Ion Collider
 Zhdanova K. Russia JINR, Dubna no report  
 Zolotorev M. USA LBNL    



Organized by Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna, Russia),
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics RAS (Novosibirsk, Russia) and
Scientific Council of RAS on charged particle accelerators


Site maintained by E. Akhmanova, JINR
Photos by Yu. Yakin, JINR
